Voices of the Enslaved
About This Project
The Archive
Voices - Speech
Jannot, Marguerite, Jeanot, Babette
About The Author
Editorial Note
The Manuscripts
The Translations
Why Judicial Testimony?
Slave Codes, Court Procedure, and Testimony
Legal Frameworks
Testifying While Black
Court Procedures
Judicial Torture: La question
Extrajudicial Violence
Sentences and Penalties
Hearing Marguerite Speak
Jannot 1743
The Court Case
Labor, Violence
Rituals in the Manner of the French
Letter from Widow Corbin to Jean-Baptiste Raguet on the Disappearance of Her Son (Lettre de la veuve Corbin à Jean-Baptise Raguet sur la disparition de son fils)
List of Questions Prepared by the Attorney General for the Interrogation of Pompée (Liste de questions préparatoires preparées par le procureur general pour Pompée)
The Complaint (La Plainte)
Letter from Chaperon to Ordonnateur Edmé Gatien Salmon (Lettre de Chaperon addressée à l’ordonnateur Edmé Gatien Salmon)
List of Questions Prepared by the Attorney General for the Interrogation of Jannot (Liste de questions préparatoires preparées par le procureur general pour Jannot)
The Complaint (La Plainte)
Interrogatory of Jeannot (Interrogatoire de Jannot)
Marguerite 1764
The Court Case
They Locked Her Up Like in a Convent
Marguerite and Janot, Congo
Interrogatory of Marguerite (Interrogatoire de Marguerite)
The Complaint (La Plainte)
Final Judgment (Jugement definitif)
Jeanot 1764
The Court Case
Indigo, Labor, and Old Age
Community Support for Runaways
Interrogatory of Jeanot (Interrogatoire de Jeanot)
Babette 1765
The Trial
Enslaved Children
Informal Networks for the Distribution of Goods
A Shopping Spree
Procedure against the Negritte Babette Belonging to Mr. Fleuriau (Procedure contre la negritte nommée Babet a Mr. Fleuriau)
Interrogatory of Babette (Interrogatoire de Babette)
Summonses Served on Witnesses in the Case against Babette (Assignations des témoins contre Babette)
Depositions of Witnesses against Babette and Confrontation (Dépositions des témoins contre Babette et confrontation)
Sentencing in the case against Babette, St. Martin, Nicolet, La Rochelle, Cassale, Deslorier (Jugement contre Babette, St. Martin, Nicolet, La Rochelle, Cassale, Deslorier)
Extract from the Registers of the Superior Council of Louisiana concerning the case and judgement against Babette, Nicolet, and St. Martin (Extrait des Registres du Conseil Superieur concernant le procès et le jugement contre Babette, Sr. Nicolet, et St. Martin)
Court costs for Babette (Frais pour le procès de Babette)
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