Appendix: Contesting Indigeneity in Colonial Cuba

John Paul Paniagua

Read the full article in the July 2024 William and Mary Quarterly.


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Figure III

Mapa cuarto de las tierras de los vecinos de Guanabacoa, 1748, Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y planos-Santo Domingo, 252, Seville, Spain. The map shows Guanabacoa’s expanded jurisdiction and the haciendas granted to the villa (circle 1 and letters within). This expansion ignored Native claims to coastal holdings in favor of streamlining relations between Havana and Guanabacoa.

Figure IV

Planos del terrenoque se comprehende entre los ríos Contramaestre y Cautillo, 1783, Archivo General de Indias, Mapas y planos-Santo Domingo, 481, Seville, Spain. The map shows the original bounds of Jiguaní in a circle and its expanded boundaries in a border following the two rivers.

Tables I-VII

Appendix Table I

Table I

Appendix Table II

Table II

Appendix Table III

Table III

Appendix Table IV

Table IV

Appendix Table V

Table V

Appendix Table VI

Table VI

Appendix Table VII

Table VII

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